
Everything is Everything. Everything God Level

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Programming is a video essay I created with the help of my music production students in Camp Sweeney at the Alameda Juvenile Detention Center. Programming challenges the conditioning we have all been subjected to here in America. In this video essay, we will cover misinformation, gun violence, as well as the detrimental psychological effects of constantly consuming music that glorifies the killing of our fellow africans. Constant consumption of this type of music also plays a role in desensitizing us to the loss of life, even tho it can be a “hot” record.

It is integral to understand that the number 1 target of white Supremacy is the Black Man. This is not a Kumbaya, everybody put the guns down type of deal. Programming is acknowledging the conditions created by white supremacy that puts many young African males into survival mode and take on the barbaric mindset of our oppressor. A lot of youth are already starting on the wrong foot due to misinformation. I talked with the students and they just flat out didn’t understand the concept of white supremacy. So me being the cool teacher I am, I took this as an opportunity to teach music production to these kids as well as help bring some consciousness to the young bulls.

And the final product we got was “Programing”. Come on this journey with the lil Sa Ras inside the mind of a self proclaimed demon.


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